In the Fullness of Time

in the fullness of time
i came to see a season
neither wild nor tame
but of mystic sessions

wherein a glacial lake
for centuries nestled
between mountain peaks
as my teary eyes nuzzled

your neck; in the fullness
of time a hot oil
coated me, a furnace
exploded a crippling ill

for the few splendid moments
that i could not breathe
for those minutes
that i could bathe

in the luscious glory
of your extreme beauty
in the painful glare
of this killing truth

my love before me
beneath me. it is evening
as she writhes and baffles
me with her hint of heavens

in such a love. in the fullness
of time these years awaiting
even more than truths, the failings
making sense, not a wasting

but a grooming. the liquid sun
sets in our crystalled tears
to know such truths to sing
our success and tease

that which is most unfair
to bathe in the storm
is to burn with your oil this fire
of the fullness of time


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